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How look like warrior , who was sent to special mission to province in middle age? What is his clothes? What is his body?
A warrior sent on a special mission in the Middle Ages would typically wear protective armor and carry weapons such as a sword or a lance. The armor might include a helmet, gauntlets, a breastplate, and leg and foot protection. Their clothing underneath the armor would depend on their social status and the region they were from, but it might consist of a tunic, leggings, and boots.
In terms of their body, the warrior would be fit and muscular from regular training and physical activity, as being a warrior was a physically demanding profession. They may have scars from battles and injuries sustained in combat.
But this warrior live in middle east country such a Persia. How he look like?
A warrior in a Middle Eastern country like Persia during the Middle Ages would have a similar appearance to warriors in other regions, but with some cultural variations.
They would still wear protective armor, which might include a curved shield, a helmet with a nose guard, and scale or chainmail armor. They would carry weapons such as a scimitar, a bow, and arrows.
Their clothing underneath the armor would reflect the local culture and fashion, and might include loose pants or robes, a turban, and sandals.
In terms of their body, the warrior would be fit and muscular, as with warriors in other regions, but may also have physical characteristics specific to the local population.